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My kit has damaged items

The following information will hopefully assist you with your question regarding Your Kit. However, if for whatever reason the information presented below does not help, and you still require assistance, if you scroll all the way to the bottom of this page you will see you have the ability to lodge a service request. When lodging a request please try to include as much information as possible! The better you describe your issue, the better our tutor team will be able to assist you. Thank you.

We’re sorry to hear you have damaged items in your kit. To get a replacement kit we will require visual evidence of the damaged items.

Please use the form below to attach an image of the broken item(s), a description of the damage and specify the course the kit was for.

We will then be in touch within 48 hours to organise your replacement item(s)/kit for you.

Some of my items arrived frozen

Please be advised that during extreme weather conditions, some of the liquid based products may arrive frozen. Whilst we take additional precautions to prevent this from occurring, this can happen. Please sit the unopened items in warm water until they defrost, then shake the product afterwards and you should see them return to normal. 

Service request

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